Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Overcoming the Fear of Success


How would you answer the question “Are you successful in life?”

I know many people who would say that they are not successful; at least they have not reached success in the areas that feel important to them.

This website is about Peak Performance not mediocrity. So let’s prepare to commit to a New Year with a winner’s attitude and consider what it means and what it takes for each of us to lead a successful life.

Most identify a fear of failure as the reason they are not successful. The fear of failure is perhaps the strongest force holding people below their potential. In a world full of uncertainty, a delicate economy, and countless misfortunes that could happen to anyone, it’s easy to see why most people are inclined to play it safe.

But playing it safe has risk as well. If you never dare to fail, your success will have a low ceiling. Most people underestimate their merit and ability to recover from failure, leading them to pass up valuable opportunities. The ability to fail big and fail often has been a mark of the spectacularly successful throughout history

However this blog is focused on those of us that are striving for Peak Performance and have started on the road to success, overcome several failures and are suddenly overcome with another fear, the fear of success. The fear of success is a common issue that arises when you are genuinely creating change and moving forward in your life. Not giving up when you start getting somewhere is often the biggest challenge we have to success. To let the Peak Performer in you out you need to stop resisting.  If it’s your fate to be great then do it!

All fears of success would be greatly reduced if we took our power back. It’s important to note that change comes from choice and we have always had that power. In fact often our deepest fear is that when we really reclaim our power and succeed, we have to face the knowledge that we have always been powerful enough to change all along and that we could have changed a year or five or 10 years ago.

Your friends and family will either support you or they won’t. The ones who resist you (the majority) are saboteurs out to stop you from real success. If you can do it and they can’t, well, sometimes that’s an uncomfortable thought for them to wrap their mind around.

Often we let the opinions of friends and families justify a mediocre existence. So how do you convince your friends and family that you will succeed and be a big success and that they should believe in you?

You don’t convince them of anything. You should never conspire with saboteurs and you should never seek approval from people who are irrelevant to your success.

Your friends and family may not be on the same wavelength as you and they are not the real enemy to success. It is not them that need to be convinced.

It is you who needs to convince yourself. You need to avoid self-sabotage, don’t be a traitor to yourself.

As Buddha once said “He is able who thinks he is able.”

The good news is, no matter how old you are and no matter how many times you have turned your back on success it is never too late. When you make the change you will only have one regret: “I should have done this sooner. My god, why did I wait so long? “. After you’re done feeling sorry for yourself from this realization, you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and say these words: I can do it, I will do it and no one will stop me.

Here are some things to keep in mind:


·         Everyone's scared. 

  • No one has it all together. If you talk to any successful person, you'll find out that, not only were they scared to begin doing something different, they still get scared every time. It gets incrementally easier, but the fear never goes away. Professional athletes still get nervous before the game. Musicians still have butterflies in their stomachs before concerts. Authors freak out the night before their books are released. What you're feeling is no different than anyone else.

  • Embracing fear is the most important consciousness shift needed to success.

  • The more successful you are the stronger the fear becomes. People will sabotage themselves so they don’t have to feel the fear anymore. Fear stops cowards and fear powers winners

  • When you’re successful everything is on the line, all eyes are on you and they’re all waiting to see if you will fail. It’s easy to give them what they expect, another failure. When you’re a failure nothing is on the line and there is no more pressure.

  •   It’s not the absence of fear that makes you great. It’s action in the face of that fear that makes you great.

  • If you want something better for your life then that you have to fight through that feeling of fear. The New Year is a great time to commit to stopping the procrastination and excuses for 30 days. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish. Then you can extend it 30 more days, and then 30 more until it becomes an established pattern of behavior.

·         No one's paying attention to you.

  •  In reality people are often so worried about how things are going for them they don't have time to be concerned about anyone else - especially you. Consequently, people spend time worrying about other people, who really have no time to worry about anyone else because they have problems of their own. See how silly this all is? Oh, sure. There are some people who are paying attention to you. But, they're usually your spouse or family or really close friends. The kinds of people are going to be supportive of you, anyway. That's a good kind of attention.

·         You have to know where you want to go.

  • What's the old saying? “If you don't know where you're going, any road will do”, I believe is how it goes. You need to figure out what your dreams are for yourself. Once you've figured out what you want to do, you can put a plan together to achieve it.

  • I have come to believe that everyone needs to start somewhere. If you have a lot of credit card debt that you want to get paid off, that's a fine dream.  Just start dreaming and however big or small they are is good enough for now. Visualizing and accomplishing goals, however small, starts an important psychic chain reaction that lays the foundation and becomes the catalyst for success.

·         Do what makes you happy, and don't worry about others. 

  • Obviously, you have to be smart about this. I'm not saying run out on responsibilities and obligations you have set for yourself. What I'm saying is that there are very few people in this world whose approval you should be after. Your spouse and kids, maybe your extended families, if they're supportive; that's about it. If a person doesn't have a vested interest in your success, you can confidently disregard what they think about what you're choosing to do. The only way you can count your life as truly successful is if you're doing what you're meant to do, regardless of what society at large thinks of it.


·         Success is a Creative Dynamic

  • Whenever something is created, there's always something else that is destroyed. This is referred to as the courage to create -- because there is always that conflict. As you create something, something else is destroyed. If nothing else, ignorance is destroyed. And this very dynamic of creativity also applies to success. It'll often be followed with guilt -- feeling guilty that you've done something. That you've changed the order of things or that you've stepped outside the normal range.

  • There may even be a feeling of doubt: "Have I done the right thing? What if I'm not heading in the right direction?" It's so very strange. We hear so many people who are succeeding wonderfully well, but their fear is: "Yes, but what if this wasn't what I was meant to do? What if I was supposed to become something else? Suppose my destiny was something else? What if I've somehow managed to land in this arena of success, and I'm flying along like crazy, and one day will wake up and realize I've missed the boat?"  Doubt and the concern around that -- that's part of the creative function.

  • These fear reactions are normal. Understanding that will enable you to rebuild and restructure a whole different foundation for being successful. You can take the weight off and realize that it's not going to make you smarter or better-than or give you license. You can be prepared for the chaos, and when it comes, you can work with it. You can handle it. You don't have to freak out and run away. You can be prepared for the guilt and doubt that's going to arise in the very dynamic of creativity.

Keep Everything in Perspective

It’s important to keep in mind that no matter how important success might seem to you, it is still important to embrace it with balance; otherwise your journey towards success will turn into an obsession that will ruin everything that you truly love in life.

I’d like to end with noting that success is not a destination, it’s a journey, and it’s important that we take each step feeling grounded and balanced. Do not forget to spend time with your loved ones, enjoy your hobby or follow your passion, take care of your health and grow spiritually. This is the meaning of true success, the one that you can achieve only in balance.

Remember it is your right and purpose in life to be successful in whatever you are doing. If you believe in that then nothing will ever stop you from living a balanced and joyous life.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Want to be a Peak Performer? Think like Leonardo Da Vinci

When we look for examples of how we can live Peak Lives there is one individual who has set the standard throughout history – Leonardo Da Vinci.

Leonardo da Vinci was the ultimate Renaissance man: an accomplished scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, and writer. He along with contemporaries Michelangelo, Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus were considered Polymaths.

The concept of Polymath embodied a basic tenet of Renaissance humanism that humans are empowered and limitless in their capacity for development, and it led to the notion that people should embrace all knowledge and develop their capacities as fully as possible. In other words these individuals were consummate generalists.

In our rapidly changing world the importance of adaptability is paramount and we can learn some important lessons from our Renaissance ancestors. Despite the corporate world’s insistence on specialization, the workers most likely to come out on top are generalists – but not just because of their innate ability to adapt to new workplaces, job descriptions or cultural shifts. Instead, according to writer Carter Phipps, author of Evolutionaries, generalists will thrive in a culture where it’s becoming increasingly valuable to know a little bit about a lot. Meaning that where you fall on the spectrum of specialist to generalist could be one of the most important aspects of your personality – and your survival in an ever changing world. Developing your generalist capabilities will give you context. Only by understanding the work within fields to the right and left of your own can you understand the bigger picture, whether you are talking about a corporation (i.e. - Sales analyst understanding the supply chain as well as internal operations) or the world as a whole.

A great example of generalism or the ability to weave ideas into the broader fabric of life is the 2011 TedTalk of historian David Christian which presented a “Big History” of the entire universe from the Big Bang to present in 18 minutes, using principles of physics, chemistry, biology, information architecture and human psychology. Generalism at work.

7 Habits of the Renaissance Mind

Human beings are gifted with an almost unlimited potential for learning and creativity. You can uncover your own hidden abilities, sharpen your senses, and liberate your unique intelligence by following the example of the greatest genius of all time, Leonardo da Vinci.

1.       Develop Curiosity

Curiosity is an "insatiably curious approach to life and unrelenting quest for continuous learning". Great minds have one characteristic in common: they continuously ask questions throughout their lives. Leonardo's endless quest for truth and beauty clearly demonstrates this. What makes great minds different is the quality of their questions. You can increase your ability to solve problems by increasing your ability to ask good questions. Like da Vinci, you should cultivate an open mind that allows you to broaden your universe and increase your ability to explore it. Here are some ways to apply Curiosity.

Keep a journal. Bring a journal wherever you go and use it often. Write your ideas and thoughts there. Try to write several statements a day that start with "I wonder why/how..."

Observe according to a theme. Choose a theme and observe things according to the theme for a day. For example, let's say you choose "communication". For the entire day, observe every type and instance of communication you come across. You can then record your observations in your journal.

Stream of consciousness exercise -  Pick a question and write the thoughts and associations that occur to you as they are. Don't edit them. The important thing is to keep writing. This is also referred to as freewriting.

2.       Apply the Principle of Demonstration

Demonstration is "a commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence, and a willingness to learn from mistake". Wisdom comes from experience and the principle of Demonstration helps you get the most out of your experience. Here are some ways to apply Demonstration:

Check your beliefs. Do you hold any beliefs that you haven't verified through experience?

Three points of view - First, make a strong argument against your belief. Next, take a distant view of your belief (for example, as if you live in a different culture) and review it. Finally, find friends who can give you different perspectives.

Analyze the advertisements that affect you. Look at the advertisements in your favorite magazine and analyze the strategy and tactics they use. Find the advertisements that affect you most and find out why.

Find “anti-role models” to learn from. List the names of some people whose mistakes you want to avoid. Learn from them so that you won't encounter the same pitfalls.

3.       Use Your Senses

Work on the continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to enliven experience. One of Leonardo's mottoes is saper vedere (knowing how to see) upon which he built his work in arts and science. Here are some ways to apply your senses.

Write detailed description of an experience. For instance, describe your experience of watching a sunrise in your journal.

Learn how to describe a smell.

Learn to draw.

Listen to different sounds around you. Learn to listen to different intensity of sounds from the softest (e.g. your breathing) to the loudest (e.g. traffic).

Live in the moment. Practice mindfulness.

4.       Embrace Ambiguity, Paradox and Uncertainty

An essential characteristic of da Vinci's genius is his ability to handle a sense of mystery. Here are two ways to apply Cryptic:

Befriend ambiguity. Not knowing something does not make it ambiguous! It is when you DO know something but its meaning is indeterminate.

Ask yourself questions that relate two opposites. For example, ask yourself how your happiest and saddest moments are related.

Practice the Socratic Method. The goal with the Socratic Method is to examine possibilities, and that is done by asking questions, not by giving answers. Socrates was known (and criticized) for asking questions to which he didn't have answers.[2] The key to using the Socratic method is to be humble. Don't assume that you or anyone knows anything for sure. Question every premise.

5.       Learn how to think with the Whole Brain

Thinking with the “whole brain” is the development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination". Mind mapping is a powerful method that can help you combine logic and imagination in your work and life. The end result of mapping should be a web-like structure of words and ideas that are somehow related in the writer's mind
6.       Cultivate Grace, Ambidexterity, Fitness, and Poise

Leonardo had amazing physical ability that complemented his genius in science and arts. Here are some ways to develop your mind/body connection:

Develop a program for physical fitness. Your program should include three things: flexibility exercises, strength training, and aerobic conditioning.

Develop body awareness. Study anatomy. Try yoga. Dance. Do some contact juggling. Whatever strengthens the connection between body and mind, go for it.

Cultivate ambidexterity. Leonardo could work with both his right and left hand and regularly switched between them. You can cultivate ambidexterity by using your nondominant hand for relatively simple tasks like brushing your teeth or eating your breakfast. Later you can use your nondominant hand for writing.

7.       Develop a Recognition of and Appreciation for the Interconnectedness of all Things and Phenomena

This, in other words, is systems thinking. One main source of Leonardo's creativity is his ability to form new patterns through connections and combinations of different elements. Here are some examples:

Find ways to link things that seem unrelated. For example, you can try to find connections between a bear and the World Wide Web, or geology and the Mona Lisa.

Imagine dialogues. Imagine talking with a role model to gain new perspective and insight. Or you can imagine how some role models would discuss your problem.

Think about how things originate. Take an object and think about what elements are involved in its creation and how.


How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day Paperback

By Michael J. Gelb


By Carter Phipps

Ted: Ideas Worth Spreading -

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Academic Peak Performance - It’s Time for a Revolutionary New Approach to Physical Education by John Saville

Certainly a critically important place to strive for Peak Performance is in our nation’s educational system.  This blog outlines the case for an important new role for the physical educator and makes the case for more physical education and active play in our educational system.

One of the biggest challenges facing the US public school system has been its struggle to prepare students for careers in a new and highly competitive information based economy. Obviously this is a challenging issue and a source of pain for administrators as they bear the brunt of criticism from parents, politicians and the media, who often point out that the US spends more per student than any other country and ask “Why then does the US rank so poorly when compared to other countries (17th in Science and 24th in Math)”?

In addition the great recession led to significantly reduced tax revenues and has put additional pressure on an education system that is asking administrators to do more with less.

Apparently the high per student investment is not a result of teacher’s salaries as the US ranks 27th in that category. However, the unfortunate consequences of this new reality has forced administrators to make tough choices leading to a significant cutback in teachers and programming deemed non-essential to improving academic performance. Quite often physical education has become an easy target in a misplaced effort to improve a school’s academic results. This I believe is a mistake.

If physical education is to survive it must adapt to this new reality and become part of the solution.

Fortunately ongoing brain research has shown the important role of movement in brain development. Dr. Vonda Wright (The Mobility Doctor) states: “Even at a cellular level we are wired for mobility. Intense physical activity increases capillary development in the brain, enabling oxygen, glucose and a spectrum of growth hormones access to the brain. When we get our blood pumping, we release norepinephrine or adrenaline and we stimulate the end cannabinoid system in our brains. Adrenaline acts on our brain to sharpen attention, increase our arousal and motivates us to assimilate new information and learn. At the same time, serotonin is released to calm the brain’s “nerves” so you can think straight. This puts our brains in a prime environment for learning.”

It’s also important to understand that our hunter gatherer ancestors passed on the genetic coding that requires humans to make movement a critical part of their life experience and that movement is essential to brain neuroplasticity (“brain changing” AKA “LEARNING”).

From the beginning of life in the womb, movement is considered an indicator of a healthy fetus. At birth the primitive reflexes of grip, neck movement and the Moro reflex are considered key indicators of a baby’s health and brain development.

In the early years of a child’s development the actions of rolling, crawling, walking, clutching, grabbing, climbing and tactile interaction with their environment are essential foundational skills necessary for proper brain development. It is important to note that the motor control area of the brain is interconnected with the brain’s focus and attention capabilities and is critical to the learning process. It is vital that children grasp these skills to ensure they enter the education system prepared to learn.

An Exciting New Opportunity for the Physical Educator

As children enter the school system we need to make certain that teachers and their students include movement before, during and after school to help ensure students are ready to learn.

This opens up an exciting new opportunity for the physical educator as they can position themselves as the school’s expert on movement and learning and become a key resource in helping administrators and teachers improve academic performance.

Leading physical educators across the nation have worked with their administrations to blue print exciting new programs that have proven the effectiveness of this approach. 

Here’s a great segment that played on Good Morning America called “Learning on the Move” that showcases and discusses physical activity and learning process:

Another exciting development is the design of training programs and courses that help physical educators gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become their school’s specialist in creating a readiness to learn environment.

One such course was developed by Fizika Group, a Lancaster PA based company that recently partnered with Harrisburg University of Science and Technology to create a self-paced, inter-active, online certificate course to train and prepare what they call Active Learning Specialists for schools. Their target is not just physical educators but all teachers or administrators who may have an interest in Active Learning. A large part of the course focuses on helping the AL specialists learn how to form an interdisciplinary team to address active learning from multiple vantage points

Using evidence-based approaches to design, implement and evaluate active learning interventions, a certified Active Learning Specialists is informed by best practices and the latest research to help educators incorporate physical activity into the learning process — to help improve academic and health outcomes.

Redesigning the Classroom for Peak Performance - Moving Physical Education beyond the Gymnasium: Creating Activity Permissible Classrooms

As school leaders charged with promoting healthy and active lifestyles, physical education professionals who are trained as Active Learning Specialists can extend their expertise to school classrooms by helping to facilitate the creation of more active and engaging teaching and learning areas. These teaching and learning areas include such moving innovations as exercise stability balls as chairs, fixed-height stand-up desks, Steelcase Node chairs, and Steelcase buoy chairs.

Using chairs lined up in rows, the center pieces of most classrooms, creates one of the least effective environments for learning. Sitting increases fatigue and reduces concentration. Ironically, you're more tired from sitting than you would be if you had stood up and moved around. Most children - and adults, for that matter - need to move in order to learn. We wiggle, fidget, tap our toes, drum our fingers and more and it's completely normal to have trouble sitting still in school. Our bodies contain energy that needs to be used up or burned off at regular intervals. And the longer we compel kids to sit at desks and tables, the harder it is for them to learn.

Using an active learning approach refers to making arrangements for kids to move their bodies during lessons leading to increased information retention as students become comfortable in their learning spaces.

A recent article in The New York Times outlines how small modifications made to classroom furniture can have a conversely enormous impact on learning, and even children's health.

“With multiple classrooms filled with stand-up desks, Marine Elementary (in Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota) finds itself at the leading edge of an idea that experts say continues to gain momentum in education: that furniture should be considered as seriously as instruction, particularly given the rise in childhood obesity and the decline in physical education and recess.

Dr. James A. Levine, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic, advocates what he calls 'activity-permissive' classrooms, including stand-up desks.

Having many children sit in a classroom isn't the craziest idea, but look at how children have changed,' Dr. Levine said of the sedentary lives of many. 'We also have to change, to meet their needs.

It’s important to note that movement facilitates cognition, that 85% of children are kinesthetic learner’s also known as tactile learners, an educational style in which learning takes place by the student carrying out a physical activity, by touching and doing rather than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstration.

Bring Back Recess! – The Importance of Unstructured Play

The 2009 February issue of the Journal Pediatrics shows that students who received more than 15 minutes of free play a day were better behaved than those who had no recess period. The researchers argue that these findings, along with similar findings from other studies, “support the importance of recess for student attentiveness in the classroom.”

The relationship between academics and play appears to be in constant tension, as though adding to one results in taking away from the other. Nothing could be further from the truth. It would appear that recess contributes to academic success in a variety of ways.

“Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do,” writes Mark Twain in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I find myself yearning for the days of Tom Sawyer when leisure antics were the norm for children’s behavior and play was natural, spontaneous, and yes, sometimes mischievous.
Play is the antidote for depression, isolation, and fearfulness. And it is play that holds the key to leading a happy and healthy life whether we are 1 or 100 and everywhere in-between. Recently we, adults and children alike, appear to have lost our motivation to play. With the economy spiraling downward, fear and uncertainty can manifest itself into anger and frustration. Who feels like playing in these uncertain times?

But for children, oblivious to the worlds’ angst and anxieties, let’s not forget as caregivers we can encourage children to go outdoors and play. Physical educators can become advocates of recess time for unstructured play and encourage administrative decision makers to balance the time spent indoors and out. Schools and daycare centers can bring back recess and playtime for children by scheduling a minimum of 30 minute break times in the day for fun and unadulterated play.

Get Involved – Join the PTA and Make your voices heard!

If you are a parent reading this I encourage you to support physical education,  join your local Parent Teachers Association (PTA) and stay connected and aware of what’s happening in your child’s school.

There is no better way to meet other parents and teachers to share ideas, concerns and experiences, build rapport and discuss issues that are on your mind.

Tell your school how you feel about the importance of physical education, recess, good nutrition and an active learning environment. The PTA’s nationwide network provides parents with the forum and tools to collectively influence the decisions that affect children not only at their schools, but also throughout their districts, within their states, and across the nation. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Why I Follow a Paleo/Primal Diet and Lifestyle

In February of 2012 at the age of 60 I decided to make a significant change in the way I was eating and exercising and embark on a Paleo journey that has completely transformed my health. For years I had followed the conventional wisdom regarding diet and exercise and had kept reasonably fit, but my weight had slowly crept up over the years along with my blood pressure. In addition I just didn’t seem to have the same amount of energy and was developing some painful arthritis in my shoulders. I initially gave in to the thinking that I was just getting older, that these things happen with the aging process and I was going to have to deal with it. But some research led me to a new approach to eating that has had a stunningly positive impact on my health.

Within 4 months I lost 48 lbs. and my blood pressure improved from 130/90 to 105/74. My body fat dropped to under 12% for the first time since I was in my 30s and I have great energy and a renewed zest for life. The arthritis I was suffering from every day in my shoulders has disappeared and surprisingly my seasonal allergies have vanished. In the gym I have made significant strength gains returning to the personal records of my 20s.

If you are contemplating joining me on the Paleo Journey you will need to set aside years of conventional wisdom indoctrination and think different. As an illustration let’s take a look at how many people typically eat breakfast and compare it to someone embracing a Paleo approach to eating.

Conventional Breakfast– You’d think a big bowl of cereal, tall glass of orange juice, a granola bar and some coffee would keep you full for more than an hour or two and provide you with plenty of energy, but it doesn’t.  Many people who eat this type of breakfast end up starving by mid-morning and reach for another cup of coffee and maybe a something to eat from the office bowl of snacks.

The problem with this approach is that you’re basically eating pure sugar.  There is very little fat or protein and you are trying to create lasting energy out of a fleeting, transient source of energy. Sugar burns and then you need more of it.

Paleo Breakfast – Black Coffee with steak and eggs or bacon and eggs or steak and bacon and eggs, usually with a bowl of berries

I know what you’re thinking - Man, I’d love to eat steak and eggs every morning, but my family’s got a history of heart disease and you know what they say.

I know what they say, but it’s wrong. Saturated fat is actually a benign, even healthy source of fat that’s never been conclusively linked to heart disease. It’s the most stable kind, practically impervious to the oxidative damage that’s responsible for most heart disease. As for eggs, in the vast majority of people, dietary cholesterol from eggs does not increase blood cholesterol. Heck, it even improves cholesterol in some folks, increasing “good cholesterol” more than “bad cholesterol.”

The old model of the arteries getting clogged up with cholesterol like what happens to your pipes when you dump fat down the drain is wrong. Cholesterol isn’t a monolithic entity. HDL is “good” and LDL is “bad,” but even that’s too simplistic. It’s not bad. It’s necessary for optimal health! We make important hormones like testosterone out of cholesterol, and our body uses HDL and LDL particles to deliver nutrients. In fact, when it comes to overall mortality – you know, dying and stuff – cholesterol around 180-220 looks to be ideal.

My Paleo style of diet has left me fat adapted not carb dependent; I have the metabolic flexibility to tap into my stored body fat whenever I need to. See, we store body fat because it’s a fantastic energy source. It burns clean and we can store upwards of tens of thousands of calories worth. I’m reasonably lean with fairly low body fat and I still have over 50,000 calories worth on my body. Meanwhile, I can only store about 500 grams of sugar in the form of liver and muscle glycogen. It serves its purpose to be sure, but you can’t rely on glycogen indefinitely without constant refills. That’s where your need to snack comes from. It also explains why your energy levels dip an hour or two after eating.

You may also be thinking why do I need so much protein? I mean, I’m no bodybuilder, my doctor said too much protein is bad for my kidneys, and my vegetarian buddies say it’ll destroy my bones.

Protein (especially with fat) is the most satiating macronutrient. It fills you up, especially when you eat it in the morning. As for the kidney thing, that’s been disproven. People with existing kidney issues might need to watch their protein intake, but kidney impairments aren’t caused by how much protein you eat; they’re most intimately linked to diabetes and hypertension, both of which an adequate protein intake ironically improves. The bone health claim is really silly, as protein actually works synergistically with calcium to improve bone metabolism and calcium retention.

Grains -I often get strange looks when I mention that I don’t eat bread. It’s not just bread. It’s grains in general. Think of it like this: unlike many other organisms, grains have no way to defend themselves. They can’t run. They can’t fight. They can’t hide. So they have to defend themselves with proteins like gluten, lectins, and other anti-nutrients that punch holes in your intestinal lining, allow foreign food substances into your bloodstream to cause problems, trigger your immune response, and inhibit the absorption of nutrients. You’ve probably heard of gluten, found in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s the worst of the bunch. If it isn’t degraded entirely by your gut, it can tell the junctions keeping the contents of your stomach out of your bloodstream to open up and let things pass through to the blood, where they can increase inflammation and even trigger autoimmune diseases. Some say that only people with a diagnosed gluten allergy have to worry, but there’s compelling evidence that suggests the majority of people may have sensitivities to gluten. It’s just likely underdiagnosed. Lots of people who never thought they had issues with gluten experience huge benefits when they remove it from their diet.


What about carbs? – People often say –“it seems like you’re against carbs”? It’s more that I’m against unnecessary carbs in sedentary people. When you’re sedentary, you’re usually insulin resistant with higher baseline levels of insulin. This is bad because insulin inhibits the release of fat from body fat stores. When an insulin resistant person consumes carbs, they secrete more insulin than normal, which causes greater retention and storage of fat. Athletes need more carbs because they’re burning through their glycogen stores. Plus, they can handle more because their insulin resistance is so low. You don’t need to eat grains to get your carbs you can eat fruit, vegetables, tubers like sweet potatoes and regular potatoes, roots. There are tons of healthy sources of carbs that don’t come with the anti-nutrients found in grains and legumes

What about those “healthy” vegetable oils? - Remember what I told you about saturated fat? How it’s actually healthier and more stable than other fats? Polyunsaturated fats - the kind found in soybean and other seed oils like corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oils along with margarine – are the exact opposite: highly unstable when exposed to heat, oxygen, or light. So when we cook with them, we’re damaging them, if they haven’t already been damaged by being stored for months in a warm warehouse waiting to be shipped. Oxidized polyunsaturated fats can lead to oxidized LDL particles, which are a big risk factor for heart disease. Plus, our bodies take the polyunsaturated fats we eat and make inflammatory or anti-inflammatory signaling molecules that form part of the stress response. Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils are inflammatory precursors. We can offset this by eating more fatty fish, which contain the anti-inflammatory precursors known as polyunsaturated omega-3 fats. Use butter, coconut oil, olive oil, lard, tallow, African palm oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, or ghee instead. Those are all more stable cooking fats. They’re also really, really delicious.


The first thing to remember is that you can’t outwork a bad diet so it’s vital to get your eating habits under control first.

I spend at most four hours a week in the gym – usually much less – and haven’t run more than three miles at a time for nearly two years. I actually find it way more effective to make my short workouts shorter and more intense and my long workouts longer and easier. When I go hard, I go hard, and when I take it easy, I really take it easy, I used to be committed to what I now call chronic cardio but I’ve actually learned to enjoy the slow pace of walking and hiking.  Running long distances at a highly elevated heart rate will help make you good at running but you run the risk of joint damage, oxidative stress, and elevated cortisol and although I have tremendous respect for all athletes, personally I prefer the bodies of the Olympic sprinters compared to those the marathoners.

What is Cortisol and why is too much of it a problem?  - Cortisol is the premier stress hormone. It’s basically what our body makes in times of acute stress, like facing down a tiger or experiencing a famine. It increases alertness and helps us deal with the stressful situation. Unfortunately, since it’s a signal of starvation and “hard times,” it also breaks down muscle tissue for energy and increases belly fat. All good when you’re actually starving and need the energy at any cost, a disaster when your body only thinks you’re in danger because you’re stressing out over a traffic jam every day or doing too much chronic cardio.

All of this may seem too radical for some of you but I suggest you try eating a Paleo style of diet for 30 days. A great way to start is outlined here -

Wishing you all the best in your journey to better health!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Execution - The Vital Key to Peak Performance and Success

Get’r done!  Whatever you gotta do, don’t bitch about it, don’t complain, give a 110% and just get’r done” - Larry the Cable Guy

I am sure you have heard it repeated many times - Vision, goal setting and strategic planning all have been pointed to as the primary keys to success.  Fortunes have been made and millions have been inspired by those proclaiming the secret to success and “having it all”. 

Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret, which speaks to the law of attraction (visualize what you want, believe you can do it, take action and the universe will provide it), was in essence a modernized rebranding of Napoleon Hill’s statement that “Whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve” from his famous book Think and Grow Rich. The common thread in the guidance provided from all of the self-help and success gurus can be traced back to Andrew Carnegie’s statement that “Whatever your mind feeds upon, your mind attracts to you” and “You will only be successful when you take possession of your own mind and direct it to ends of your own choice”.

I believe these statements are all true and that you will not have success until you have put in place these foundational principles.  It is also true that an equally important component of success is your ability to execute the strategy required to reach your vision and goals. 

In other words it’s you or your team’s ability to get’r done. 

There are many great visionaries that have conceived wonderful ideas that can change the world. The critical factor that separates those who are successful from those that just dream is their ability to follow through and inspire others to take action.

The late Steve Jobs was an incredible visionary who changed how the world views and uses technology. His key to success at Apple was his ability to not only visualize a product but to make them a reality, to not accept excuses, but find solutions and to inspire and at times demand that his employees push perceived boundaries, bend reality, defy conventional wisdom and “make it happen”. 

How many times have you, someone you know or your company come up with a great idea, developed a strategic vision, set goals and ended up not accomplishing what you set out to do. If you have encountered this challenge you are not alone, a recent survey revealed that over 70% of strategic initiatives are never implemented.

Whether you are working for yourself or are a leader, coach, manager or CEO of a team, organization or business, you can grab hold of performance by following the 4 Disciplines of Execution.

1.       Focus on the Wildly Important

What is so important for your business, team or organization that if it doesn’t happen there is no reason for you to be doing what you are doing?  – Identify and focus with laser clarity on what you are trying to achieve.

2.       Act on the Lead Measure

What are the lead measures or action steps that if you do them consistently you will achieve the Wildly Important Goal? They have to be measureable and you must find a way to track them fanatically.

3.       Develop a compelling Scoreboard

Whether it’s in business or in sports we all know that we play differently when the team knows what the score is. Are you winning or losing against the action steps and the Wildly Important Goal. Are your strategies and action plans working or not? Keep the scoreboard available for all to see and up-dated at least on a monthly basis.

4.       Create a Cadence of Accountability

Create accountability throughout your whole team, organization or business so you do what you say you are going to do. Hold weekly meetings with assigned groups to review the scoreboard and make sure everyone is on track. Celebrate wins or change course if necessary and challenge each other to succeed.

How to Schedule Your Day for Peak Performance

People often choose to work for themselves because of the freedom and flexibility that results form owning their own schedule and the space to bring their ideas to life. One of the biggest challenges will be structuring your time so that you fully experience the benefits of working for yourself while also being as creative and productive as possible. Eventually, organization and effectiveness challenges will pile up and you will need to give structure a try in order to get things accomplished.

Some good questions to ponder are - how can I achieve personal Peak Performance, get stuff done, take care of myself, make time from for play, and actively push myself outside my comfort zone? 

To help you in this process I highly recommend the following organizing and planning format that I recently adapted.

1. Set priorities on Sunday.

Every Sunday, I sit down and map out my week. Instead of defining the hour-by-hour of each day, I outline my weekly priorities and what I want to have accomplished by the following Sunday.

2. Map out work, play, fit, and push.

  • Work: For each day, I outline my "Top 3," meaning the three most important things I will have accomplished by the end of the day. Sometimes I'll map out the entire week on Sunday because my priorities are super clear. Other times, I'll decide on my Top 3 on a day-by-day basis.
  • Play: I've found that play enables me to self-express, reflect, and give my ideas space, which shows up positively in my work. Making time to create art, get into nature, climb a tree, go on photo walks, and read puts me in a constant state of curiosity and flow.
  • Fit: Movement keeps ideas moving forward so I aim to move my body for at least 30 minutes each day.
  • Push: Since learning and growth is important to me, I do something that scares me (almost) every day. This may be asking someone whom I deeply respect for an interview or writing about a topic that makes me feel vulnerable.

3. Batch your days.

  • Batching actions into specific days and creating time for creativity has been a huge game changer for me. Here's how I break down my schedule.
  • CREATE on Monday/Wednesday/Friday: I create holes in my schedule for thinking and creating. On these days, instead of thinking about how to spend my time in advance, I pay attention to my body and take breaks as needed.
  • CALLS and MEETINGS on Tuesday/Thursday: When possible, I avoid phone calls and meetings because I find them typically unproductive and often easy to solve via email. I set aside three hours on Tuesday and Thursday for meetings, and once these spots are filled, I say no. There are, of course, occasional exceptions.
  • "Hate you but have to do you" is saved for Wednesday morning: Things like paying bills, clearing out my email inbox, and the like, take up just one morning.
  • SPONTANEOUS Saturday: With so much structure, I make room for spontaneity. On Saturday, I let go and go where the day takes me. Balancing structure with a day of free-spiritedness makes me feel whole.
  • INTENTIONAL Sunday: Plan for the week ahead.

I wrote this blog to hopefully inspire you and provide you with some ideas that will help you achieve Peak Performance in your life, team, business or organization. 

When it comes to reaching peak performance, it's about experimenting to figure out what works best for you. 

Feel free to try out these ideas and share your experience or let us know what has worked for you in the comment section below.

And remember to develop a Get’r Done attitude!


·         4 Disciplines of Execution – Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling

·         Amber Rae – Founder and CEO of The Bold Academy -

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Want to be a Peak Performer - Never Give Up!

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” 

― Calvin Coolidge

Success comes in all shapes and colors. You can be successful in your job and career but you can equally be successful in your marriage, at sports or a hobby. Whatever success you are after there is one thing all radically successful people have in common: Their ferocious drive and hunger for success makes them never give up.

In fact, some of the most successful people in business, entertainment and sport have failed. Many have failed numerous times but they have never given up. Successful people are able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on trying.

I have collected some examples that should be an inspiration to anyone who aspires to be successful. They show that if you want to succeed you should expect failure along the way. I actually believe that failure can spur you on and make you try even harder. You could argue that every experience of failure increases the hunger for success. The truly successful won't be beaten; they take responsibility for failure, learn from it and start all over from a stronger position.

Let's look at some examples that I am sure many of you are familiar with…

Henry Ford - the pioneer of modern business entrepreneurs and the founder of the Ford Motor Company failed a number of times on his route to success. His first venture to build a motor car got dissolved a year and a half after it was started because the stockholders lost confidence in Henry Ford. Ford was able to gather enough capital to start again but a year later pressure from the financiers forced him out of the company again. Despite the fact that the entire motor industry had lost faith in him he managed to find another investor to start the Ford Motor Company - and the rest is history.

Walt Disney - one of the greatest business leaders who created the global Disney empire of film studios, theme parks and consumer products didn't start off successful. Before the great success came a number of failures. Believe it or not, Walt was fired from an early job at the Kansas City Star Newspaper because he was not creative enough! In 1922 he started his first company called Laugh-O-Gram. The Kansas based business would produce cartoons and short advertising films. In 1923, the business went bankrupt. Walt didn't give up, he packed up, went to Hollywood and started The Walt Disney Company.

Richard Branson - He is undoubtedly a successful entrepreneur with many successful ventures to his name including Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Music and Virgin Active. However, when he was 16 he dropped out of school to start a student magazine that didn't do as well as he hoped. He then set up a mail-order record business which did so well that he opened his own record shop called Virgin. Along the way to success came many other failed ventures including Virgin Cola, Virgin Vodka, Virgin Clothes, Virgin Vie, Virgin cards, etc.

Oprah Winfrey - who ranks No 1 in the Forbes celebrity list and is recognized as the queen of entertainment based on an amazing career as iconic talk show host, media proprietor, actress and producer. In her earlier career she had numerous set-backs, which included getting fired from her job as a reporter because she was 'unfit for television', getting fired as co-anchor for the 6 O'clock weekday news on WJZ-TV and being demoted to morning TV.

J.K. Rowling - who wrote the Harry Potter books selling over 400 million copies and making it one of the most successful and lucrative book and film series ever. However, like so many writers she received endless rejections from publishers. Many rejected her manuscript outright for reasons like 'it was far too long for a children's book' or because 'children books never make any money'. J.K. Rowling's story is even more inspiring because when she started she was a divorced single mum on welfare.

Bill Gates - co-founder and chairman of Microsoft set up a business called Traf-O-Data. The partnership between him, Paul Allen and Paul Gilbert was based on a good idea (to read data from roadway traffic counters and create automated reports on traffic flows) but a flawed business model that left the company with few customers. The company ran up losses between 1974 and 1980 before it was closed. However, Bill Gates and Paul Allen took what they learned and avoided those mistakes when they created the Microsoft Empire.

History is littered with many more similar examples:

•Milton Hershey failed in his first two attempts to set up a confectionery business.

•H.J. Heinz set up a company that produced horseradish, which went bankrupt shortly after.

•Steve Jobs got fired from Apple, the company he founded. Only to return a few years later to turn it into one of the most successful companies ever.

So it’s good to remember, the one thing successful people never do is: Give up! 

I hope that today’s blog has been a source of inspiration and motivation for everyone who aspires to be successful in whatever way they chose.

Don’t forget to tune in to our weekly podcasts for more insight, thoughts and motivation from our interviews with Peak Performers!